§ Lots of buzzing around at work, getting ready to take a couple weeks off for the holidays. Aside from the usual wrapping up of loose ends, I also got our Shopbot CNC out from storage and re-assembled it in our shop. It’s bulky, loud, expensive, and super messy but nevertheless it has consistently been the most empowering shop tool I’ve ever used.
§ Reading through this week last year jogged my memory about the Screw Factory Holiday Market, one day before it ended. Unlike last year, I actually bought something this time: a cute little drawing of a trout lily, a tiny native flower that is an early spring mainstay of the wild woodlandy area of my backyard.
On Friday I stopped by 78th Street Studios’ “Third Friday” opening for some last minute holiday shopping. Cleveland’s network of enormous artist warehouses continues to be one of my favorite things about the city.
§ I finally watched Alex Garland’s movie Civil War that came out earlier this year. It was expertly directed and at times completely captivating, horrifying, and oh so stressful. It falls down in story is so mushy and vague that I had a hard time getting emotionally invested in any of it. This is one of the rare examples of a movie that might be better told as a TV series. I’m sure Alex Garland intentionally left the origin of the underlying conflict and details of the political factions vague as to not pigeon hole the film into a particular moment in time. I don’t think it worked, though. Taking more time to explore these themes in depth through a limited-run series may have helped the whole story land more effectively in the end.
§ My car has been acting weird since getting that tire replaced last Friday. The whole car—in particular the steering wheel—kind of…shakes a little bit? Stay tuned, I guess?
§ It is safe to say Moonbound was my favorite book I read this year so I’m particularly excited by the news that Robin Sloan will begin writing the next book of the series in January. The only thing tempering my excitement is the reality that it will probably be a while before it’s actually published.
§ Yesterday was the winter solstice. Slowly, slowly, the days will start getting longer. Today we will have three more seconds of sunlight than yesterday and tomorrow will add seven more. This is progress.