§ Hello, welcome to autumn, a whole new season ripe with naming opportunities from up-and-coming pop musicians.

§ All of the fruit on my brown turkey fig plant is suddenly ripening all at once. I took advantage of the occasion to make goat cheese and fig ice cream. I’ve made lots of different ice cream flavors this summer and this one might just be the best.

§ That previous link to the ice cream recipe was what made me finally realize that my Safari ad blocker didn’t automatically transfer over to the new phone. I have to assume the people who run these recipe sites view the mountains of ads as a necessary evil but jeez do they ever look at their own website?

§ I do, by the way, slightly regret upgrading to the iOS 18.1 beta so quickly. The very minor number of new features doesn’t make up for the instability.

§ I rewatched both Devs and Severance.

Severance was much better than I remembered. In hindsight, I wish I waited until nearer to the second season’s release date to start the rewatch.

Devs, remarkably, might actually hold up as my favorite show. It isn’t perfect—the first and last episodes, in particular, weren’t especially strong—but the six episodes in the middle make for some of the most thought-provoking TV I’ve ever seen.

§ I flew into Chicago on Friday. Baltero launched on Apple Arcade just in time. I can’t think of a better game to play while killing time in an airport.

I love this city so much. On Saturday evening a few coworkers and I joined an architecture tour along the river. From Marina City to Jeanne Gang’s funky skyscrapers the variety and experimentation on display is inspiring.

§ I’ve stayed the night in eight different cities throughout 2024. That isn’t a particularly crazy number to some but it is easily a record for me. I think its unlikely I’ll break it in 2025 but who knows.