§ We got all of the mulch down just in time for a week of rain. As we waited out the dreary weather, Caroline and I sketched out the outlines of a Canadian road trip for our honeymoon. We’ll follow the St. Lawrence River east from Toronto, through Trois-Rivières and Quebec City, all the way up to Tadoussac to see the fjord and the whales. I’m excited for the destination but, like all good road trips, even more interested in what we will discover along the way. This will be my first time in Canada aside from a day trip to Niagara Falls a couple of decades ago which only technically counts.

§ I keep forgetting that I have almost a dozen silver maple trees in my backyard that I would like to try tapping for syrup. It looks like it is already too late, this year, but I’ve already marked my calendar to pick up the necessary supplies next February.

I have to say, the boiling and processing required after collecting the sap sounds like a big sticky arduous mess. Maybe that’s why I keep putting this project off.

§ Robin Sloan’s new book Moonbound comes out on June 11th—nine short days from now. Can I finish I Cheerfully Refuse before then? If the past is any indication the answer is squarely no. I’m going to try my best though.

§ Undeterred by Jason Snell’s tepid review, I caved and ordered a Kobo Libra Colour. It should be here by the middle of next week.

The thing that finally sold me is the screen’s “front light.” I’ve spent the past week deliberately using my reMarkable for reading as often as possible. Aside from the size and weight, I’ve been enjoying it quite a bit during the day. Since the reMarkable lacks any form of illumination it becomes basically unusable in the evenings which is, coincidentally, exactly when I would like to unwind with a book. My hope is that The Kobo will encourage me to be more intentional about my technology use in the evenings.

§ I finally got around to watching Damon Lindelof’s new show Mrs. Davis—it doesn’t help that it’s exclusive to Peacock which Caroline, in an uncharacteristically punny move, called “Peahen”.

Lindelof’s previous shows—Lost and The Leftovers—are no preparation for what he delivers here. The tone is surreal and irreverent, constantly teetering on the edge of slapstick parody. A closer comparison would be Wes Anderson. Mrs. Davis shares a lot of his imagination and whimsy without the relentless maniacal precision that I find both so inspiring and exhausting in his more recent work.

§ On Thursday I found a newborn deer in my backyard, extremely well camouflaged in a little alcove of twigs and brush. It was completely unfazed and remained perfectly still which is, I guess, just a thing they do.

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