§ 2024. A leap year. The other night I had the famous dream where I found a secret extra room in my house. Leap years are sort of like that but for time, in a sense.

§ For the second year running I cooked bibimbap for my extended family’s New Year’s Eve celebration. It’s getting dangerously close to becoming a new tradition.

§ I kept reading good things about Rebecca Owen’s Chronicling app in various “best of 2023” lists so I decided to give it a try. Absent anything particularly useful to track, I landed on logging my caffeine intake. Now, this could be some sort of bias where seeing the chart each day reinforces a particular pattern but I was shocked by how consistent I am day-to-day. A latte when I wake up, coffee late morning, tea after lunch, tea pre-dinner, and tea in the evening. I would have thought there would be more variation but there really isn’t. I’m a creature of habit, I guess.

§ One of our quails laid an egg for the first time since late autumn. They have been picky recently, basically eating only their fancy marigold treats so it’s really the least they can do.

§ I designed and 3D printed a few candle holders—the next step on my strange bees wax candle collecting journey.

§ I’ve noticed that I’ve developed a very midwestern reflex of saying “excuse me” as I pass by coworkers in the hallway. Actual distance is irrelevant—I could be ten feet away. It’s more like an alternative to a polite greeting.

§ A sneak preview of this new season of weeknotes:

  • Week 12 — Visiting Boston for the first time
  • Week 15 — Total solar eclipse
  • Week 20 — My birthday and also maybe visiting Baltimore for the first time
  • Week 26 — One year anniversary at my current job
  • Week 28 — My wedding
  • Week 46 — A long overdue visit to Chicago

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