§ We have secured a wedding date: July 13, 2024.
§ It’s Labor Day weekend which means it is time for the county fair.
✓ Delicious milkshakes
✓ Adorable baby goats
✗ Pigs in tiny cages with names like “Porkchop”
§ The neighborhood park recently got pickleball courts installed. As someone who
- enjoys playing badminton and
- has never been remotely interested in tennis
I am curious to see where pickleball falls between the two. One of these days I’ll purchase the equipment necessary to find out.
§ I watched The Peripheral after seeing how angry John Gruber was when he learned Amazon had canceled the show’s second season.
Set in the year 2032, the restrained near-future speculative technology is the most interesting part. The glut of guns and violence would have benefited from a similarly disciplined approach.
§ Jury Duty was exceptional. I am sure all of the praise it has received will make it temping to create another season but I think that would be a mistake.
One of the actor-jurors, Edy Monica, also directed and starred in the short film Nicole which is excellent in a sort of Ryan Trecartin type of way.
§ On Friday morning my Chevrolet Volt suddenly stopped working. The battery indicated that was fully charged yet displayed zero miles of available range. It was extremely loud and there was a concerning sluggish quality to each acceleration and deceleration.
After I coaxed the car back home I tried restarting it and, suddenly, everything went back to normal? Bizarre.
It could be a BECM issue? If so, it is comforting to know that BECM issues can occasionally cause a sudden, random loss of propulsion altogether. I have 5,000 miles remaining on my 100,000 mile warranty so good timing, at least?
After calling—eleven—local dealerships I was able to find one with a loaner vehicle available—a 2018 Equinox.
The shop won’t be able to look at my car until next week though. To be continued.
§ I set up a Flickr account. No guarantees I’ll stick with it but it is great to see that it’s still going strong after all of these years.
I also started a Glass account which is the new hotness. It has much more of an Instagramy social focus which is a bit of a turn off but the interface is totally fun and modern.

§ Links
- A collection of anthropomorphic objects
- Singapore in color
- The great dissolve
- TextFX
- Matt Webb’s PartyKit sketchbook
§ Recipes
- Fresh mint ice cream
- I zested individual chocolate chips with a microplane before learning the correct method to add flaky chocolate shavings to ice cream. This wasn’t quite as tedious as it sounds but it was close.