§ I visited “the smelliest food festival in America” and purchased a handful of different garlic varieties that I’ll try planting in the fall.
I made a revised prototype of my Technic / Tinkertoy inspired modular architecture building blocks this time using strut channel nuts embedded between two layers of 3/4” plywood.
I also placed an order for a Shopbot component that will increase my cut area from 2x4’ to 4x4’. I can’t wait.
§ I watched From which has big Haven vibes.
One of the primary differences is that Haven has more of a “monster of the week” structure which is to its benefit. The show-runners are able to take their time to draw out a compelling central plot while each minor story arc provides a drum beat that keeps things interesting on a week-to-week basis. Watching From, I found myself feeling frustrated by extended character-building storylines, looking instead for resolution on the show’s central mystery.
Ultimately, I recommend watching From if you enjoy mysterious location-focused shows like Lost, The Leftovers, and Haven. From might not be quite up there with the best of them but it is nevertheless a solid addition to the genre.
§ I finally had to fill my car up with gas for the first time in nearly two months. During the time that elapsed I used 7.27 gallons of gas and drove 2,190 miles for a total of 301 MPG. Not bad at all!
I realize that I am way off from my initial goal of “no more gasoline before Thanksgiving.” I am sure that if I were to only use my car for my regular commute to and from work I could have accomplished that goal—a majority of my gas usage came from out of the ordinary trips, drives out into the country, a trek across the state, etc.—that just isn’t particularly feasible though. A lot of the fun stuff here requires a bit of a drive! I’ll be totally satisfied if I can maintain an average around 300 MPG.
§ I guess there was a tornado in Cleveland Thursday night? I slept through it.
Possibly related: I’ve definitely caught a cold.