AI generated video still lags behind AI imagery by quite a large margin. Still, some artists are forging ahead and exploring what is possible with the tools available today.

Will Douglas Heaven, MIT Technology Review:

The Frost is a 12-minute movie in which every shot is generated by an image-making AI.


To make The Frost, Waymark took a script written by Josh Rubin, an executive producer at the company who directed the film, and fed it to OpenAI’s image-making model DALL-E 2… Then they used D-ID, an AI tool that can add movement to still images, to animate these shots, making eyes blink and lips move.

Some of the characters almost look like Kara Walker’s paper cutout silhouettes, others have more detail, as if they were assembled out of various magazine clippings, none of them look alive. There is a pervasive surreal sense that everything in The Frost’s world has been reanimated. It is weird and new and fascinating. Highly recommended.