Ilia Blinderman, from the excellent visual journalism publication The Pudding, shares some of what he has learned about how to create well designed, data-driven essays:

We have a curious tendency of assuming that people who can do certain things that we cannot are imbued with superior innate talents… This may be especially common for the sort of code-driven interactive data visualizations which we work on, since they rely on an odd grab-bag of skills —critical thought, design, writing, and programming — that people in many other professions may have neither a full awareness of, nor full expertise in.


I’m hoping that my putting this guide together will help remove some of the unnecessary mystique surrounding data viz, and demonstrate that the only things that separate a beginner from a speaker on the conference circuit [are] time and practice.

I recently wrote about how I am currently wrapping up a big data visualization project with my students—I wish I had known about this resource earlier!