Pepys' diary is a website, newsletter, and RSS feed that publishes, in real time, diary entries from 17th century civil servant Samuel Pepys' diary. The diary contains first-hand accounts of the Restoration, the Great Plague, and the Great Fire of London as they occur.

Here is a taste of what to expect. With the Fire of London raging Pepys must think fast to save his parmesan cheese. From the September 4th, 1666 entry:

…the fire coming on in that narrow streete, on both sides, with infinite fury. Sir W. Batten not knowing how to remove his wine, did dig a pit in the garden, and laid it in there; …And in the evening Sir W. Pen and I did dig another, and put our wine in it; and I my Parmazan cheese, as well as my wine and some other things.

The current reading just began on January 1st and will conclude in a decade with the final entry published on May 31st, 2033.