§ It was super warm outside today. Well, okay, it was 57 °F but for December in Ohio that is about as warm as you could reasonably ask for. Anyway, I very consciously decided that I would not squander the opportunity and spent the afternoon with Caroline collecting willow branches at the park. The goal is to try basket weaving with them soon.

§ Maybe you are like me and you inexplicably decided to keep coturnix quails even though you don’t eat eggs often and now you are constantly inundated with way too many eggs. Well, I have good news for you. Below you will find my inaugural list of Recipes That Use a Lot of Eggs — enjoy!

- French toast 300 grams / ~ 26 quail eggs
- Ice cream 200 grams / ~ 17 quail eggs
- Quiche 300 grams / ~ 26 quail eggs
§ As a part of my ongoing pursuit to make the best chai tea ever, I learned that ginger contains a enzyme called zingibain that makes milk curdle but only if it is added to cold milk. If you wait until your milk to at least 70 °C you’ll be fine! Unless, of course, your goal is to make ginger milk curd.